Become a Member of the Williston Rotary Club Today!
Thank you for inquiring to become a member of the
Williston (ND) Rotary Club!
- You can find information on Rotary at and http:// - As for mailers/newsletters, RI publishes a monthly magazine called “The Rotarian.” This publication outlines all the happenings of RI worldwide. Subscription to this is covered in your club dues.
- There is another page on the RI site about newsletters with helpful information.
newsletters/MoreNewsletters/ Pages/ridefault.aspx - Other than that, the annual membership dues are $500 – this includes your meals, international dues, district dues, donation to Rotary Foundation, and the balance helps with operational expenses (for service projects, etc.).
- Requirements: upstanding member in the business community with a passion to serve. That’s pretty much it! We want people who live their lives in accordance to the motto of “Service Above Self.” This page covers the ideal Rotarian: http://www.rotary.
org/RIdocuments/en_pdf/595en. pdf - Be sure to keep an eye out on our club websites as well: www.willistonrotaryclub.
org and rotaryclubwillistonnd
How can you apply?
- Click on the three downloadable documents on the left-side of this page.
- Once completed, please submit to the Club Secretary, Erin Stieg at the next weekly meeting or email club application to
- You are more than welcome to attend our meetings as a guest while your application is being processed. Then, you will be asked to participate in the New Member Installation Ceremony, as well as attend a Fireside Chat with our Board Members.